Tomáš Víšek - piano

Tomáš Víšek - piano





21/4 2024 Concert of the works by Vojtěch Saudek
T. Víšek - piano, FAMA Quartet
Czech Centre Paris, 18 rue Bonaparte, 750 06 Paris (F) - 5 p.m.
(programme of concert will be precised)
23/4 2024 "Résonances kafkaiennes"
(P.Hindemith, E.Schulhoff, V.Saudek, J.Krejčík)
T. Víšek - piano, Marie Kopecká Verhoeven - mezzo-soprano, FAMA Quartet
Goethe-institute Paris, 17 Av. d'Iéna, 750 16 Paris (F) - 8 p.m.
10/6 2024 Piano recital
(L.v.Beethoven, V.J.Tomášek, F.Liszt, A.Dvořák, B.Smetana, M.Kocáb)
Concert Hall of the Music School Kojetín, Hanusíkova 197, 752 01 Kojetín - 5 p.m.
13/6 2024 "Antonín Dvořák - Humoresque"
lecture with (probably unknown) musical samples
Museum of A. Dvořák, Ke Karlovu 20, 120 00 Praha 2 - 5 p.m.
14/6 2024 "Museums´ Night"
concert dedicated to the composer Václav Jan Tomášek
(V. J. Tomášek, J. L. Dusík, J. V. H. Voříšek)
Hall of the Cultural House, Česká 74, 373 33 Nové Hrady - 8 p.m.
18/6 2024 Concert to the "Year of the Czech Music"
T. V. - piano, Štěpánka Heřmánková - soprano, Kateřina Jalovcová - mezzo-soprano, Gaudium Cantorum
(A. Dvořák: Moravian Duets etc., B. Smetana, B. Martinů)
Břevnov Monastery (Theresian Hall), Markétská street 1, 169 00 Praha 6 - 7 p.m.
1-12/7 2024"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses

Radio Classic Praha
a big interview with T Víšek within presentation his new CD

Tuesday 2/1 2024 - 7 p.m.
reprise Friday 5/1 2024 - 10 p.m.
reprise Saturday 6/1 2014 - 11 a.m.

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est) - piano pieces by Jaroslav Ježek:
February 2024 - 7
October 2024 - 31
December 2024 - 13

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Spálená 16":
January 2024 - 8
February 2024 - 25
March 2024 - 11
April 2024 - 17, 30
May 2024 - 31
June 2024 - 12
September 2024 - 27
October 2024 - 14
November 2024 - 19


6/4 2023 POSTPONED from 1/4 2021!
Vítězslav Novák: Piano Concerto in E minor, op. 11
Severočeská filharmonie Teplice, cond. Petr Vronský
House of Culture, Mírové nám. 2950, 415 01 Teplice - 7 p.m.
20/5 2023 "Franz Schubert and his Czech Predecessors"
(J.L.Dusík, J. V.Voříšek, V. J. Tomášek, F. Schubert)
Municipal Museum and the Memorial Room of F. Schubert, street Schubertova 16, 937 01 Želiezovce (Zselíz) /SK/ - 4 p.m.
29/5 2023"I am still 56 (backwards)"
piano recital "in the style of the Studio Ypsilon Theatre" (with guests) - only 1 performance!
Studio Ypsilon, Spálená street 16, 110 00 Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
2-11/7 2023"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
10/11 2023 "Hommage à Rudolf Firkušný"
piano recital
(F.Schubert, L.Janáček, A.Dvořák, R.Schumann, F.Liszt)
R. Firkušný Concert Hall (Monastery Chapel), Komenského 304, 763 61 Napajedla - 6 p.m.
14/11 2023 "Music Tuesday of Umělecká beseda"
(piano pieces by K Ančerl, L.Matoušek, J. Nečasová Nardelli and V Trojan)
St. Laurent Church, Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.

Participation at the performances in the theatre Studio Ypsilon "Christmas Evenings"; always 7.30 p.m., Praha 1, Spálená street 16:
December 2023 - 19, 21

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est) - piano pieces by Jaroslav Ježek:
January 2023 - 29
February 2023 - 26
March 2023 - 8
April 2023 - 26
May 2023 - 11
June 2023 - 27
November 2023 - 23

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Spálená 16":
January 2023 - 9,
February 2023 - 2, 16
March 2023 - 2, 14
April 2023 - 24
May 2023 - 23
June 2023 - 7, 26
September 2023 - 14
October 2023 - 3
December 2023 - 4, 11

"Piano at the Crossroads"
- a film with 5 Czech pianists at the Grand Piano Blüthner: I. Ardašev, J. Čechová, M.Kasík, K. Košárek, T. Víšek (theme and screenplay: Jakub Zahradník, directed by Jan Senius). Talks with authors and interpreters after all projections

18/4 2023 Kino Pilotů, Donská 168, 101 00 Praha 10 - 7 p.m.
3/5 2023 Kino Pilotů, Donská 168, 101 00 Praha 10 - 7 p.m.
26/5 2023 Kino Dlabačov, Bělohorská 24 (Pyramida), 169 00 Praha 6 - 8 p.m.
14/6 2023 Dobeška, street Jasná I 1181,147 00 Praha 4 - 7.30 p.m.
26/9 2023 Kino Pilotů, Donská 168, 101 00 Praha 10 - 6 p.m.
23/10 2023 Kino MAT, Karlovo nám. 19, 120 00 Praha 2 - 6 p.m.
1/11 2023 Kino Pilotů, Donská 168, 101 00 Praha 10 - 6 p.m.
7/11 2023 Městské kino, nám. Republiky 1399, 277 11 Neratovice - 7 p.m.
9/11 2023 Bio Central, tř. Karla IV. 774, 500 02 Hradec Králové - 6 p.m.
21/11 2023 Městské kino, Politických vězňů 445, 266 01 Beroun - 8 p.m.
22/11 2023 Městská knihovna, Mariánské nám., 110 00 Praha 1 - 7 p.m.
23/11 2023 Kino 99, Smetanova 764, 280 02 Kolín IV - 5.30 p.m.


28/2 2022 "Remembering Concert to the 90th anniversary of the prof. Zdeněk Kožina"
(T.Víšek, J.Nečasová Nardelli, J.Lipscombe, L.Kožinová, Z.Kožinová and others)
Dusíkovo divadlo Čáslav - Nová scéna, Masarykova 194/36, 286 01 Čáslav - 7 p.m.
7/4 2022"Gaudium Cantorum is introducing" - proces for solo piano and choirs. T.Víšek, choirs Gaudium Cantorum, children's choir Kalamajka.
Czech Museum of Music, Karmelitská 2/4, Praha 1 - 7 p.m.
25/4 2022"My first..."
(J.Brahms, F.Chopin, C.Debussy, S.Rachmaninov, A.Skrjabin)
Hall of the P.J.Vejvanovský Conservatory Kroměříž, Pilařova 7 - 7 p.m.
2-12/7 2022"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
5/7 2022 "Praise to the Violin" alias "Three Composers - Three Interpreters - One Sonata"
(A.Dietrich-R.Schumann-J.Brahms: Sonata F-A-E; L.Vycpálek: Sonata in D minor "Chvála houslí")
Pavla Tesařová - violin, T. Víšek - piano, Karolína Berková - singing
Cultural House Soběslav - 7 p.m.
14/7 2022 Antonín Dvořák: Galop
(laureate concert of the competition "Grand Prize Virtuoso")
Concertgebouw (Kleine Zaal) - Concertgebouwplein 10, 1071 LN Amsterdam - 4 p.m.
1/11 2022 "A Tribute to Ladislav Vycpálek"
(Music Tuesday of Umělecká beseda)
L. Vycpálek: Sursum corda. Two variation phantasies for piano, op. 30
Moravian Ballads, op. 12 (No. 1, 2, 5)
T.V. - piano, Petr Matuszek - baritone and others
St. Laurent's Church, Hellicova 18, 110 00 Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
"Franz Liszt and Czech Music"
(Liszt´s footprints in the Czech music - V. J. Tomášek, F. Liszt, B. Smetana, A. Dvořák)
7/11 2022Hall of the Conservatory of P. J. Vejvanovský, Pilařova 7, 767 01 Kroměříž - 7 p.m.
9/11 2022Cultural House of J. Suk (concert hall), Havlíčkova 514, 264 01 Sedlčany - 4.30 p.m.

26/5 2022 - "Famous Birthdays and We - alias The Evening Jazz is a Time of Love"
(the only performance at the Studio Ypsilon, dedicated to the May jubilees - incl. TV)

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est) - piano pieces by Jaroslav Ježek:
January 2022 - 17 (CANCELLED!)
February 2022 - 16
March 2022 - 30 (CANCELLED!)
April 2022 - 29
May 2022 - 26 (CANCELLED!)
June 2022 - 28
September 2022 - 17
October 2022 - 4
December 2022 - 6

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Spálená 16":
February 2022 - 10 (CANCELLED!), 24
March 2022 - 17
April 2022 - 14
May 2022 - 2, 22
June 2022 - 29
September 2022 - 12, 22
October 2022 - 17, 24
December 2022 - 19


1/12 2021 "Piano soirée"
(4-hand piano pieces by J. B. Foerster, A. Dvořák, J. Novák, J. Jindřich and J. Ježek)
Patricia Goodson, Jindra Nečasová Nardelli, T. Víšek, Marie Wiesnerová - piano
Foerster Hall, Praha 1, Pštrossova 17 - already at 6 p.m.!
14/12 2021 "Czech Roots - American Inspirations"
(A. Dvořák, J. Ježek)
Bohemian National Hall, 321 E 73rd Street, 10021 New York - 8 p.m.
15/12 2021 "Czech Roots - American Inspirations"
(A. Dvořák, B. Martinů, J. Ježek)
Embassy of the Czech Republic, 3900 Spring of Freedom St., Washington, DC-20008 - 6 p.m.
20/12 2021 Jaroslav Ježek: Bugatti Step
(laureate concert of the competition "Golden Classical Music Awards")
Carnegie Hall (Weill Recital Hall), 154 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA - 8 p.m.
2-12/7 2021"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
22/7 2021piano recital
Lomnice nad Popelkou - Tyl Theatre, 7.30 p.m.
(V. J. Tomášek, F. Liszt, B. Martinů, F. Chopin)
9/9 2021 "Well-known and unknown Piano Miniatures"
(V.J.Tomášek, R.Schumann, F.Liszt, Z.Fibich, B.Martinů, J.Suk, J.Ježek)
Centrum RoSa, Střelničná 1680/8, 182 00 Praha 8 - 6 p.m.
6/10 2021 Hana Jonášová, Jana Levicová - singing, T. Víšek - piano
(works by A. Dvořák and other composers)
Památník A. Dvořáka Zlonice, Komenského 20, 273 21 Zlonice - 6 p.m.
2/11 2021 Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: Grass on the Ruins
(a cycle with the texts of Vilém Závada for mezzo-soprano, recitation and piano)
Karolína Žmolíková Cingrošová - mezzo-soprano, Vítězslava Krahmerová - recitation, T. Víšek - piano
"Days of the Contemporary Music", Kaiserstein Palace, Praha 1, Malostranské nám. (Lesser Town Square) 23 - 7.30 p.m.
3/11 2021 "Living Words of Josef Suk"
(piano works and texts by Josef Suk)
Tomáš Víšek - piano, Martina Konvalinková, Pavel Němec and Stáňa Němcová - texts
Sedlčany, Cultural House of J. Suk - 7.30 p.m.
8/11 2021 Old Town Hall, Masarykovo nám. 70/23, 251 01 Říčany - 6 p.m.

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est) - piano pieces by Jaroslav Ježek:
June 2021 - 28
September 2021 - 6
October 2021 - 15
November 2021 - 2 (CANCELLED!)

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Spálená 16":
September 2021 - 18, 29 (CANCELLED!)
October 2021 - 14, 28 (CANCELLED!)
November 2021 - 7, 17


27/2 2020Leopold Koželuh: Concerto for 4-hand piano and orchestra
Municipal Theatre of Turnov, Hluboká street 670, 511 01 Turnov - 7.30 p.m.
T. Víšek, Jindra Nečasová Nardelli - piano, Martinů Strings Prague, cond. Geoffrey Boyd
13/6 2020piano recital
Galerie Benedikta Rejta, Pivovarská 34, 440 01 Louny - 5 p.m.
(E.Schulhoff, J.Ježek, J.Nečasová Nardelli)
27/6 2020Lenka Jarolímková Schützová - singing, recitation, Eduard Orechov - violin, recitation, T. Víšek - piano
Galerie Benedikta Rejta, Pivovarská 34, 440 01 Louny - 5 p.m.
(M.V.Matyushin: Don Quijote, Autumn Dream (suite); N.Myaskovsky: Yellowed Leaves, op. 31 - select.; K. Malevich - selected poems; J.Wolker - songs and piano pieces)
2-12/7 2020"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est) - piano pieces by Jaroslav Ježek:
January 2020 - 23
February 2020 - 10
March 2020 - 15 (CANCELLED!)
April 2020 - 9 (CANCELLED!)
May 2020 - 17 (CANCELLED!)
June 2020 - 17 (CANCELLED!)
September 2020 - 24 (CANCELLED!)
October 2020 - 22 (CANCELLED!)
November 2020 - 9 (Znojmo) (CANCELLED!), 21 (recorded on

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Spálená 16":
January 2020 - 6, 15, 27
February 2020 - 7, 16
March 2020 - 1, 13 (CANCELLED!), 24 (CANCELLED!)
April 2020 - 8 (CANCELLED!), 27 (CANCELLED!)
May 2020 - 4 (CANCELLED!), 14 (CANCELLED!)
June 2020 - 8, 23 (CANCELLED!)
September 2020 - 18
October 2020 - 2 (CANCELLED!), 19 (CANCELLED!)
November 2020 - 26 (CANCELLED!)
December 2020 - 21 (CANCELLED!)


26/2 2019piano recital
Blatná (castle) - 7 p.m.
F.Chopin, F.Liszt
6/3 2019piano recital
Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Grandhotel Ambassador-Orpheum hall - 7.30 p.m.
F.Chopin, F.Liszt
12/6 2019"Dvořák´s Turnov and Sychrov"
(Concert to the 20th anniversary of the interpretational musical workshop of young people)
Municipal Theatre Turnov, Hluboká street 670 - 7.30 p.m.
piano half-recital (F.Chopin, R.Schumann, F.Liszt)
15/6 2019"Nostalgische Nocturne"
(a meeting at the piano with candles and compositions inspired by night)
Mehrzweckraum, Landstrasse, CH-4452 Itingen (BL), Switzerland - 7.00 p.m.
(R.Schumann, F.Chopin, F.Liszt, C.Debussy, V.Novák etc.)
21/6 2019Concert to the 140th date of birth of the Czech composer O. Ostrčil (various interpreters)
Municipal Museum, "Smrčkův dům", nám. Republiky 107, 392 01 Soběslav - 6.00 p.m.
O. Ostrčil: Suita from the fairy-tale "Orphan", op. 10a (arr. J. Schulz) - part I
O. Ostrčil: Composition for the octavian memorial
3-13/7 2019"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
1/10 2019635. Music Tuesday of Umělecká beseda
St. Laurent Church, Praha 1, Hellichova street 18 - 7.30 p.m.
Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: Water Lilies
Jindra Nečasová Nardelli, Tomáš Víšek - piano
(+ new compositions by other composers, various interpreters)
9/10 2019piano recital
Old Town Hall, Masarykovo nám. 70/23, 251 01 Říčany - 7 p.m.
(R. Schumann, J. Páleníček, J. Suk, V. Novák)
15/10 2019"Talich´s Beroun" - piano recital
Cultural House "Plzeňka", Plzeňská 83/48, 266 01 Beroun - 7.30 p.m.
(R. Schumann, F. Liszt, J. Suk, J. Páleníček, V. Novák)
29/10 2019636. Music Tuesday of Umělecká beseda - in cooperation with J.B.Foerster Society
"Josef Bohuslav Foerster and his pupils" - piano recital
St. Laurent Church, Hellichova street 18, Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
(J.B.Foerster, J.Zich, K.B.Jirák, P.Bořkovec, F.Bartoš, J.Řídký, A.Foerster)
19/11 2019"Days of Contemporary Music 2019"
B. Martinů Hall, Praha 1, Malostranské nám. 13 - 7.30 p.m.
Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: Anna Karenina - concerto-phantasy for piano and orchestra
Tomáš Víšek - piano, orch. Praga Camerata (art. leader Pavel Hůla)
27/12 2019"Classic Piano Joke(r)s"
rarities and musical jokes for 1-10 hands
T. Víšek, V. Gregor, M. Novenko, L. Horák, S. Georgieva - piano
Musuem Chrudim (Big Hall), Široká street 85, 537 01 Chrudim (East Bohemia) - 7 p.m.

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est) - piano pieces by Jaroslav Ježek:
January 2019 - 13
February 2019 - 8
March 2019 - 28
April 2019 - 9
May 2019 - 21
June 2019 - 4
September 2019 - 19
October 2019 - 18
November 2019 - 20, 28 (Liberec)
December 2019 - 18

Participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Spálená 16":
December 2019 - 10, 12, 22


19/3 2018Piano recital, special guest: Yumeki Ohashi - piano (Jap./Fr.)
pieces for 2 and 4 hands (D.Scarlatti, J.Ježek, R.Schumann, C.Debussy, L.Koželuh, J.Novák)
Pianotheque Jakub Zahradník, Praha 4, Ke Krči 2 - 7 p.m.
3/5 2018concert-lecture (A. Dvořák´s piano works)
The Antonín Dvořák Memorial, Liehmannova street 20, 273 71 Zlonice - 5 p.m.
26/5 2018piano recital
(V.J.Tomášek, A.Dvořák, J.Suk, Z.Fibich, J.Ježek)
Canterbury (UK), St. Thomas Church - 10.45 a.m.
Iva Fleischhansová-Butler - violin, Nikolay Ginov - cello, Tomáš Víšek - piano
(F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Trio op. 49, R. Schumann: Trio op. 63, J. Suk: Elegy op. 23, etc.)
29/5 2018Faversham (UK)
1/6 2018Harlaxton (UK)
9/6 2018Museum Night - piano recital from the A. Dvořák´s pieces
A. Dvořák´s Museum, Praha 2, Ke Karlovu 20 - 8.30 p.m.
30/6-11/7 2018"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music Connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
2/9 2018Dvořák´s Prague
"Classic Piano Joke(r)s" - funny compositions for 1-10 hands
Tomáš Víšek, Vít Gregor, Michal Novenko, Lubor Horák, Sylvia Georgieva - piano
St. Agnes Monastery, Anežská street 12, Praha 1 - 5 p.m.
22/10 2018concert with the live-transmission at the radio station ČRo 3-Vltava
(J.B.Foerster, L.Janáček, J.Páleníček, V.Novák, J.Ježek, G.Klein)
Czech Radio-studio 1, Vinohradská 12, 120 99 Praha 2 - 7 p.m.
23/10 2018concert from J. B. Foerster´s pieces
(Dreaming op. 47, Lyrical Pieces op. 33 and others)
Tomáš Víšek - piano, Ondřej Valenta - organ, Ondřej Holub - singing
Mirror Chapel of Klementinum, Praha 1 - 5 p.m.
7/11 2018"Tribute to Karel Hoffmeister"
(K.Hoffmeister, V.Novák, L.Janáček, J.Páleníček, A.Dvořák, B.Smetana)
Sukova síň Rudolfina, Praha 1, Alšovo nábř. 12 - 5.30 p.m.
20/11 2018Musical Tuesday of Umělecká beseda
Yumeki Ohashi (Jap./Fr.) - piano, Tomáš Víšek - piano
St. Laurent Church, Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
2- and 4-handed compositions (J.Ježek, J.-F.Perrenoud, K.Husa, I.Hurník, L.Hurník, J.Novák etc.)
22/11 2018Prague Spring Club
Yumeki Ohashi (Jap./Fr.) - piano, Tomáš Víšek - piano
St. Laurent Church, Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
4-handed compositions (L.Koželuh, F.Schubert, C.Debussy, J.Novák, L.Hurník, D.Milhaud)
SPECIAL EVENTS: participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est)
January 2018 - 11,25,28
February 2018 - 4,13,21 
March 2018 - 8,21
April 2018 - 23
May 2018 - 21
June 2018 - 7
September 2018 - 17
October 2018 - 2 (Hradec Králové), 12, 21
November 2018 - 12 (Bratislava), 15
December 2018 - 17

26/4 2018 "In the style of baedeker alias Attraction and Problems of the A. Dvořák´s Piano Works"
(lecture with samples)
Museum of A. Dvořák, Praha 2, Ke Karlovu 20 - 5 p.m.


3/4 2017Praha - Dvořák Hall of Rudolfinum - 7.30 p.m.
Jaroslav Ježek: Piano Concerto
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Vladimír Válek
1-11/7 2017"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music Connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
"Frédéric Chopin and the Czech Music"
(F.Chopin, B.Smetana, A.Dvořák, K.Bendl, V.Talich, L.Janáček, B.Martinů)
18/9 2017Music School Brandýs n. Labem, F. X. Procházky street 25 - 6 p. m.
19/9 2017Concert hall of the Conservatoire of P. J. Vejvanovský, Pilařova street 7 - 7 p. m.
26/9 2017Concert hall of the Polish Embassy, Praha 1, Valdštejnská street 8 - 7 p. m.
(it is necessary to confirm your visit by email or phone +420 220140140 - till 25.9.)
31/10 2017G. Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue
Děčín Symphony Orchestra, cond. Jiří Knotte
Municipal Theatre of Děčín, Teplická street 75 - 7 p. m.
16/11 2017Piano recital
Music School Soběslav, Školní nám. 56 - 6.00 p. m.   <- CHANGE OF BEGINNING
(the programme will be precised)
23/11 2017"5th Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival"
Concert hall of the Prague Conservatory, Praha 1, Dvořákovo nábřeží 2 - 7.30 p.m.
(R.Firkušný, A.Dvořák, J.Brahms, F.Chopin, F.Liszt)
SPECIAL EVENTS: participation at the performances in the Divadlo Ypsilon "Kostky jsou vrženy" (Alea iacta est)
December 2017 - 15,17,18


20/2 2016"Ich werde dir auch nach dem leben dienen" (B.Martinů und seine treue Interpreten)
Galerie Haus am Bach, CH-4450 Sissach(BL), Zunzgerstrasse 5 (Switzerland) - 7 p.m.
(B.Martinů, R.Firkušný, J.Páleníček)
3/3 2016Teplice - House of Culture - 7 p.m.
César Franck: Les Djinns for piano and orchestra
North Bohemian Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Noam Zur
8/3 2016"Moravia, Moravia..." (Moravian composers and inspirations)
Kroměříž - Hall of the P.J. Vejvanovský Conservatory, Pilařova street 7 - 7 p.m.
(R.Firkušný, J.Páleníček, B.Martinů, V.Kaprálová, F.Liszt, V.J.Tomášek)
15/3 2016"Bohuslav Martinů, his teachers and pupils in the flute and piano compositions"
Atrium na Žižkově, Praha 3, Čajkovského street 12 - 7.30 p.m.
Lucie Brotbek Prochásková (ČR-Switzerland) - flute, T.Víšek - piano
(J.Suk, A.Roussel, B.Martinů, D.Milhaud, V.Kaprálová, J.Novák)

concert is repeated:
16/6 2016Galerie "Haus am Bach", Zunzgerstrasse 5, CH-4450 Sissach (BL)  - 7.30 p.m.
18/6 2016Zunftsaal Schmiedenhof, Rümelinsplatz 4, CH-4001 Basel - 7.30 p.m.
28/6 2016"Bohuslav Martinů, his teachers and pupils in the flute and piano compositions"
Soběslav, Concert hall of the Music School - 7 p.m.
Lucie Brotbek Prochásková (ČR-Switzerland) - flute, T.Víšek - piano
(J.Suk, A.Roussel, B.Martinů, D.Milhaud, V.Kaprálová, J.Novák)
1-11/7 2016"Setkání s hudbou" v Soběslavi (Music Connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
19/8 2016"Inspiration from the Fine Arts in the Piano Music"
- inspired by concrete artefacts, including projection of the inspiring works
Nové Hrady (south Bohemia) - Cultural and Society House, Česká street 74, 373 33 Nové Hrady - 7 p.m.
(F.Liszt, B.Martinů, Z.Fibich, M.P.Moussorgsky)
20/9 2016Uherské Hradiště - Reduta Hall, U Reduty 256 - 7.30 p.m.
Miroslav Laštovka - trumpet, Štěpánka Heřmánková - soprano, T. Víšek - piano
25/10 2016Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: "Anna Karenina" - concert-fantasy for piano, strings and percussion (premiere)
Martinů Hall - Malostranské nám. 13, 118 00 Praha 1 - 7.30 p. m.
T. Víšek - piano, Pardubice Chamber Philharmonia, cond. Marek Šedivý
30/11 2016Jindra Nečasová Nardelli: Crystals for piano (premiere)
("Days of Contemporary Music" - various interpreters)
HAMU Gallery - Malostranské nám. 13, 118 01 Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.


27/5 2015"Living Words of Josef Suk"
Benešov u Prahy - Hotel Pošta - 7.30 p.m.
(piano works and texts by Josef Suk)
2/7 - 12/7 2015Setkání s hudbou v Soběslavi (Music Connexions in Soběslav - South Bohemia)
interpretational courses
5/7 2015concert matinée - piano recital
(M.K.Čiurlionis, F.Chopin, F.Liszt)
ZUŠ (music school) Soběslav - 11.00 a.m.
24/10 2015Scott MacLeod (USA) - baritone, Tomáš Víšek - piano
St. Vavrinec Church, Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7 p.m.
(J.Mark Scearce: Keeping Things Whole, His Parents at the Quilt, "Speak! Speak!")
10/11 2015 Musical Tuesday of Umělecká beseda
St. Vavrinec Church, Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
piano works of the 20th century (R.Firkušný, Jan Novák, B.Martinů, M.K.Čiurlionis, P.Graham etc.)
13/11 2015opening concert of the "Festival of the Classical Music - Hommage à Rudolf Firkušný"
Rudolf Firkušný Concert Hall - chapel of monastery, Napajedla (south Moravia) - 5 p.m.
(F.Schubert, J.Brahms, R.Firkušný, B.Martinů, F.Liszt)


25/4 2014Chrudim - Big Hall of the Museum - 7 p. m.
V. Novák: Piano Concerto
Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra of Pardubice, cond. Tomáš Židek
7/5 2014Brandýs n. Labem-Stará Boleslav - castle - 7.30 p. m.
(J.S.Bach, J.Brahms, F.Chopin, C.Debussy, M.Kocáb, J. Ježek)
2/6 2014„Prague Spring Festival 2014“
Praha – Smetana-Hall of The Municipal House – 8 p. m.
J. Ježek: Concerto for piano and orchestra
Prague Symphony Orchestra, cond. Vladimír Válek
3/7 - 13/7 2014Setkání s hudbou v Soběslavi (Music Connexions in Soběslav)
- interpretational courses
18/10 2014"Auch ich suchte Quellwasser mit der Wünschelrute" (L. Janáček, B. Martinů)
Galerie "Haus am Bach", Zunzgerstrasse 5, CH-4450 Sissach (Switzerland) - 6 p.m.
Vladimír Sůva, Marek Sůva - cello, Tomáš Víšek - piano
13/11 2014"Josef Suk, his pupils and friends"
Atrium na Žižkově, Praha 3, Čajkovského 12  -  7.30 p.m.
(A.Dvořák, J.Suk, V.Novák, B.Martinů, L.Janáček, J.Ježek)
20/11 2014"Josef Suk, his pupils and friends"
Sedlčany - Cultural House of J. Suk - 7.30 p.m.
(A.Dvořák, J.Suk, V.Novák, B.Martinů, L.Janáček, J.Ježek)
25/11 2014"Josef Suk, his pupils and friends"
Kroměříž - The Hall of the P.J.Vejvanovský Conservatory, Pilařova street 7 - 7.00 p.m.
(A.Dvořák, J.Suk, V.Novák, B.Martinů, L.Janáček, J.Ježek)


17/9 2013Uherské Hradiště – Reduta hall, U Reduty 256 – 7.30 p.m.
(Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Tansman, Ježek aj.)
21/9 2013Galerie Haus am Bach – CH-4450 Sissach (BL), Zunzgerstrasse 5 (Switzerland) – 7 p.m.
(Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and Czech composers)
30/9 2013Turnov – music school, nám. Českého ráje – 6 p.m.
(Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Tansman, Ježek aj.)
3/10 2013Praha – ZUŠ (music school) Praha 4-Modřany, Botevova street – 7 p.m.
(Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Tansman, Ježek aj.)
8/10 2013Praha – sv. Vavřinec (Prague Spring concert hall), Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7 p.m.!
Music Tuesday of the Artictic Society (a retro-concert to the first Music Tuesday 08/10/1935; various interpreters)
7/11 2013Praha - the hall of the Grammar School, Sladkovského nám., Praha 3 – Žižkov – 7.30 p.m.
„The spirit of the Artistic Society (150 years) and the Parisian group Les Six (95 years)“
I.Fleischhansová Butler - violin, J.N. Nardelli - piano, T. Víšek - piano (Ježek, Tansman, Poulenc, Hurník)
12/11 2013Praha – sv. Vavřinec (Prague Spring concert hall), Hellichova 18, Praha 1 - 7.30 p.m.
Music Tuesday of the Artictic Society (Vítězslav Novák and the Czech production between two wars)
Iva Fleischhansová Butler – violin, Tomáš Víšek – piano (Novák, Ježek, Doubrava, Bořkovec, Martinů)
16/11 2013Galerie Haus am Bach – CH-4450 Sissach, Zunzgerstrasse 5 (Switzerland)
Iva Fleischhansová Butler – violin, Tomáš Víšek – piano (Novák, Ježek, Martinů)

Back to Concerts

Some Concert Programmes from Previous Years

The Musical Prague of the 19th Century

V. J. Tomášek and his Generation alias When the Musical History was Forestalled by Czech Composers

F. Schubert and his Czech Predecessors

Bohuslav Martinů - The Teacher and the Pupil

Inspiration from the Fine Arts and the Literature in the Piano Music

Classic Piano Joke(r)s

Czech Piano Miniatures

Frédéric Chopin - humble and resisting

Dvořák and Suk

J. Suk, his Pupils and Friends

Japan 2001
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